It’s hard to sit down and do the work we care about. One thing that helps us is a prompt.
A prompt is a way in. A prompt is a warm up. We reflect, dabble, and poke at an unrelated idea and the next thing we know we’re working. Set a timer for two minutes and write, paint, draw, sing, or move in response. Then spend eight minutes on your project. Ten minutes total. That’s it.
Ten minutes is about energy management, not time management
Ten minutes takes the pressure off. Of course you can’t create a masterpiece in ten minutes, all you can do is a few brush strokes. That feels manageable from an energy perspective and so you begin painting. On tough days though, even picking up the paintbrush can feel like too much.
That’s why we like prompts. We think, I can’t work on the painting, but maybe I can grab a prompt and reply to that. Start there. Start with a prompt and see if it gives you a way into your project.
We’re done with forcing. In December there will be no pushing or shoving. But we’re not going to abandon our projects either. We’re going to manage our energy. We’re going to be honest about what we can do on a given day and then we’re going to do that. At the end of the month, we’re going to get together and high five one another.
Stay tethered to the thing you love with our NEW daily prompts. They start December 1st and they’re part of an annual Substack subscription. So is a monthly live meet up., and today you can get them for the entire year 23% off when you use this link.
Make progress on your project
Daily prompts, weekly high fives, monthly meet-ups. Upgrade to a paid Brainstorm Road subscription today.