Joy Ride is Brainstorm Road’s Friday dose of fun, inspiration, and action.
Something we say all the time at Brainstorm Road is: hold it loosely.
Here’s why:
Our projects evolve. As we build, things change (which is why we encourage making something derivative).
We get insights from peers and make adjustments. We spot holes and pivot. We do our very best to release control over the outcome and we focus our attention on taking the next small step: 10 minutes a day.
And we have good reason…
An inquiry into the commonalities among those selected as MacArthur Fellows (so-called MacArthur “Geniuses”) revealed that a posture of staying loose is something that many winners have in common.
“Cut short of the floundering and you’ve cut short the possible creative outcomes. Cheat on the chaotic stumbling-about, and you’ve robbed yourself of the raw stuff that feeds the imagination.”
You can’t be sure, so don’t try to be. Grasp for certainty and you cut the creative process out at the knees.
Instead, flounder a bit.
Create something derivative :)
Worth Your Time
Read: MacArthur Geniuses on the Relationship Between Uncertainty and Creativity and why you should “stay loose”
Listen: To Ira Glass’s famous riff on The Taste Gap. It’s an oldie, but a goodie.
Laugh: At our memes from 10 Things I Hate About You
One Small Thing
Produce something derivative. Whether you’re writing a book, recording a podcast, editing a video, or trying your hand at a new quilting pattern - put your work out into the world and let it be what it is. Your version. Your vision. Your voice.
And then post it in the comments if you’re really brave (also because we want to see it please and thank you).
See you next week,
Margo + Kristin
I made a video, my first in a long time, it's loose and rough as hell. To be a fly on my studio wall go to...
I wrote an email newsletter today. It's stressful to put out into the world, I feel exposed, and it's derivative! So I think it counts.