Hi, it’s Kristin + Margo from Brainstorm Road 👋🏽
We started a Substack!
We were told all the cool kids are on Substack or on TikTok and this seemed like the better option because one of us refuses to dance. Also, we have an ulterior motive. A mission, if you will.
We want to have a no-kidding conversation about what it takes to make a Dream Project happen in Real Life.
The more we open the door to talk about Dream Projects, the more people rush in to tell us about the ideas they’ve got tucked away that they would really like to dust off and make happen ✨.
Which is why we’re here.
We are going to be sending you new ideas about making Dream Projects in Real Life and content designed to get you to stop reading and start doing.
Comment, post, share, and jump into the conversation.
Talk to us about your Dream Projects and we’ll tell you about ours. Together we’ll figure out what it takes to make them happen in Real Life.
Not someday, but today.
What is a Dream Project?
A Dream Project is a thing you want to do for no reason other than you want to do it.
Dream Projects don’t necessarily make sense. Most people don’t think about their Dream Project and say, oh yeah, that’s a logical thing for me to do. There’s a feeling.
It’s different for each of us.
What’s the same is the pull. The pull to get something that’s inside of you out into the world.
Can you give me some examples?
I absolutely can.
Finishing that screenplay you keep talking about, but “never get around to,” and can’t stop thinking about.
Creating an in-person literal workshop 🪚🪵🔨🔧for creatives to make stuff with their hands (more on that here).
Writing historical fiction inspired by an early 20th-century signature quilt (as in, a quilt WITH people’s signatures on it).
Launching a high-performance activewear clothing🎽👖brand for teens with your 12-year-old son (which is happening over here).
Building an Antarctica Trip Finder for people who are in the information-gathering stage of travel planning TO ANTARCTICA! 🐧 🇦🇶 🐋
Publishing that podcast🎙️you recorded a few episodes for and still haven’t edited.
For a more comprehensive list of Dream Projects happening in Real Life at Brainstorm Road, see: here, here, and The Brainstorm Road Show
Who are Roadies?
Roadies are members of Brainstorm Road. 😎
We’re ordinary people with creative ambitions who want to keep our jobs and have dinners with our families. We believe that making a little bit of space for the work that lights us up is vital – and possible – even in the midst of Real Life.
"Brainstorm Roadies” is a self-designated title invented by the hundreds of people in our members-only Club. The Club is for people who are committed to working on their Dream Projects for 10 minutes a day and sharing what they did at the end of the week.
The Club is for people who are ready to get to work on their Dream Project. Members spend ten minutes a day on their project, then share what they’ve made at the end of each week. Each session lasts for six months. It’s mind-boggling what we can accomplish together with tiny actions.
You can learn more about joining the Brainstorm Road Club here.
What do you mean by “Real Life?”
We mean when the pipes burst, your mom’s in the hospital, you’re running late, you don’t have childcare, your spouse has a heart condition, you’re $30k in debt, you got in a car wreck, your dog needs to go to the vet for the 17th time this week, you’re cleaning, cooking, laundrying, washing, parenting, caretaking, day-jobing, bill paying, erranding, and other activities of (ahem) Real Life.
Ok, cool so now you’re on Substack?
We’re on the lookout for more Roadies and we have been told y’all are hanging out here. If you know of any, send them over. If you are one - subscribe.
All of this is intended to help you make space for your Dream Projects in Real Life and (we hope) connect with other like-minded Roadies who you can find in our comments.
We believe the only “hack” to completing your Dream Project is doing it with others. Which you can do by being here, becoming a Roadie, jumping into the conversation, and being a member of our club.
Join us and we’ll show you what’s possible.
Welcome to Brainstorm Road where we believe Dream Projects fit in Real Life. More Soon :)
M + K
Welcome! You are doing incredible space-making work ❤️
Yay ! Now really ALL the cool kids are on Substack.
Happy roadie here - working on my (substack) newsletter in BSR.
If you're considering the leap, jump on in - the water's nice and the people even nicer :)