Dreaming is uncomfortably revealing. Which is one reason we avoid it. It’s not because we don’t know what we want. But rather, we fear claiming it.
Your Dream Project says: This is who I am.
I am someone who dreams of singing.
I am someone who dreams of riding my bike across South America.
I am someone who dreams of baking the perfect pie crust.
I am someone who dreams of quiet solitude.
I am someone who dreams of assembling furniture with my kid.
I am someone who dreams of opening a sandwich shop.
I am someone who dreams of making sick beats.
I am someone who dreams of needlepointing gifts for friends.
I am someone who dreams.
It requires tremendous courage to dream. To lean into the discomfort of wanting something.
When we act from fear, “dreaming” devolves into wishes, fantasy, and escapism. A coping mechanism that helps us deal with the pain of reality. These are Dishonest Dreams.
Dishonest Dreams involve a longing to escape the present moment. They are rooted in self-deception and wish fulfillment. They seek to please others’ expectations of you. They deny your desires for yourself. Dishonest Dreams seek external validation, credit, and power.
Dishonest dreams are born of self-deceptive desire. They covet what someone else has. They’re superficial, performative, and showy. They are fleeting and insincere, vapid and shallow. They chase adoration and attention. They leave you feeling empty.
Honest Dreams, meanwhile, fill you up.
They are a manifestation of who you are. A declaration of what you believe. A longing to actualize what already exists inside of you.
Honest Dreams are not things you “earn” or “deserve.” They are self-honoring manifestations of your soul’s desire.
You need not chase self-honoring desire, you feel it. You are it. It is self-expressive. It tells the truth. It answers to who you are, not who you think you should be. It is sincere and self-affirming. It grants you joy, energizes you, and fulfills you. It doesn’t chase approval nor demand attention or adoration.
It knows it is inherently worthy.
Honest dreams aren't something you have, own, or achieve - they are something you are.
The lie is when you find The Thing That is Missing your life will improve, transform, and become infused with meaning, purpose, clarity, and a never-ending stream of creativity and viral Instagram content. Clarity will strike in an instant. You’ll know exactly who you are, what you want, and what you stand for.
The lie says “who you are” is something you “discover” outside of yourself. That your voice is something you “find.” That your dreams and desires are something you “look for.” Something you chase. Something you follow. Something that will “fill” that hole inside of something missing.
Dreams and desires aren’t about filling a hole inside of you. They’re about actualizing the fullness that is you.
A voice, a dream, a desire, and a self are not things you can lose. They’re not things you can get from the outside world. You cannot find them because they are not lost. You cannot chase them because they are not running. They exist inside of you.
Self-help books tell you to go find the magic, to chase it. What they’re missing is that magic isn’t something you find - it’s something you make. It is who you are. You are the creator of the magic you’re looking for.
The problem is we hide this part of us away in an effort to protect it from hurt. From the constant stream of criticism, rejection, disappointment, self-doubt, fear, mockery, and self-loathing that comes from telling the truth about who you are and what you want. The resistance that invariably shows up when you create your magic.
The feeling that “something is missing” is an illusion.
Because that thing that’s missing….she’s you.