I’m around. I’m not engaging as much as I would like to. But I am creating. I am glad of the space to say I’ve met today’s requirement and so I have reached 183 bookmarks. Which is 6 months of daily creating. Laptop is dead and I have still shipped my Substack too.

We are in Election week in the UK. So insane but so very 🇬🇧

A pivot is coming too. I can feel it. Something is about to change. A creative breakthrough. The continuous chiselling of creativity is finally finding its sculpture 🩷

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You are a legend, with your 183 days of drawing bookmarks and posting them on IG!! I have not a shred of doubt you will keep going. EXCITED ABOUT THE PIVOT!! Can’t wait to see what reveals itself!

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+1 to LEGEND 🔥

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Last fall, when I started my latest screenplay, it was so hard to move forward. SO HARD. Everyday I fought massive internal resistance. It was hell. But I kept feeling the good kind of pressure from being on Brainstorm Road. I had committed to finishing a script, and I felt like I had to make good on it. It helped so much to have my warm, wildly supportive friends on the Road cheering me each time I got back on the wagon and did a little work. And now, it feels like a miracle that the script is finished. (Then, I had to KEEP GOING, to try to get the script to my dream actor. AGAIN, it helped so much to go to Brainstorm Road and tell everyone what I was grappling with. Again, everyone cheered my efforts!)

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👆🏼👆🏼this this this

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My grandfather used to say, “wouldn’t it be great to be alive on a day like today!” It was almost as if he knew he was going to be quoted posthumously.

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Oh 🥹💛

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