Imagine the owner of a ruby mine lets you into her quarry and tells you to take whatever you want.
There are gemstones glimmering everywhere. The place is filled to the brim with jewels and precious stones. You feel like you’re in a fairy tale.
Enchanted, you pick up a few rubies.
Soon, you start to feel self-conscious. You walk past the gemstones and feel like you’re being greedy. You worry about what the owner will think of you. You were taught to be humble. Don’t take too much, don’t be that person.
You emerge from the mine and the owner looks surprised.
The invitation was to take whatever you wanted. You come out holding a few jewels, but your pockets are empty.
Of course, this isn’t a story about gemstones or wealth accumulation or extraction.
It’s a story about me and it’s a story about you.
The ruby mine is you.
What will you bring out to share with the world?
(And what are you leaving inside?)
Special shout out to Kristin’s dad for sharing the Ruby Mine parable with us. Thank you for encouraging us to mine deeper and share what we find with the world.💎
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Ooo, that's beautiful.