Develop a thicker skin (and why you should not)

Precisely. I did that for a long time. When you’re an improvising musician, it seems like the only choice.

The tougher skin is a burden. It takes a toll on the artist. It’s a shell and requires effort to maintain it.

In my case it earned me a chronic back spasm. (Thankfully, that was resolved a long time ago.)

Yes, it’s really hard to accept the vulnerability. It’s necessary. And there are tools you can use to survive it.

Me? I’m getting there.

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This speaks to exactly what I just recently experienced. I let some of the gang (Brainstorm Roadies) see the first draft of my latest script. It had issues. But they were kind, and helpful. It is so key to have a community with whom to share the messy middle stage of making a project! I too love the Show—it was so smart to have it take place in the middle of the 6-month session. I love that y’all gently pressure everyone to show where they are, get support, and be encouraged to keep going.

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WOO YES. You are a key part of this!! Thanks for continuing to encouraging others while also putting yourself and your work out there. We get out what we put in and you are a model of this.

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Thank you, Margo! I love the Brainstorm Road premise and reality.

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