On Monday we reviewed the difference between a dream and a Dream Project. A dream is a fantasy. A Dream Project is the actualization of your fantasy into reality.
But what if your dream is to “start painting” or “be a little more creative?”
We love this. A creative practice can be a project.
Write or paint or sing or draw for 10 minutes a day. A process goal is a fabulous goal. We recommend making it a smidge more project-y so you will have the exquisite pleasure of surprising yourself with a new body of work – of things you cared to make and then made.
So, if your dream is to start doing watercolors, you might have a process goal of painting for 10 minutes every day. Excellent start. If you paint for ~10 minutes a day, then you’ve got a painting done every two to three weeks. So we can say, “My Dream Project is to paint six watercolor paintings in six months.” Maybe I commit to giving one to my aunt for her 75th birthday or sharing one each month on Instagram or …
The point is this: Dream Projects don’t happen in a vacuum.
At least, they don’t have to and it’s more fun when they don’t. And when we let people in.
If your goal is to infuse more creativity into your life, it won’t be ruined by quantifying it. Turning your amorphous idea into a tangible project will help you actualize your dreams.
Sing in the shower for 10 minutes. Do 12 pique turns this week in front of the mirror. Practice writing the letter L in that new calligraphy style with your fabulous new pen.
A creative practice can be a project. It must be.
Otherwise, it’ll remain a fantasy.
And what a shame that would be.
This week on The Road 🛣️
In Notes From The Road: Why you need a Dream Project, not just a dream.
Our Merge Theme this month is For 🩷 the 🩷Love. If you’d like to get those 🩷 New 🩷 February 🩷 Prompts go check out our paid subscription options here.
From the Vault: Creating while the world crumbles. Motivation if you’re feeling guilty or self-indulgent for doing work that lights you up.
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